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Holiday Well-being Strategies for Faculty and Staff
As the holiday season fast approaches, it's crucial to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. Holidays can bring about complex feelings, so here are some strategies to help that are […]
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Anxiety, Burnout, Overwhelm, oh my!
Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or burnt out at this time of the semester is a common experience, and it can lead people to disengage from the things that matter most to […]
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Shame in Taking Breaks is Bad for Business
Managers in high-stress workplaces should take more time off and encourage employees to, say business school researchers. Rest is essential to personal well-being and professional productivity. But employees in high-pressure […]
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The Transformative Power of Gratitude
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the simple yet profound practice of gratitude. Expressing and considering gratitude has far-reaching implications for our health […]
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Navigating Divisions: Building Our Community Together Amidst Conflict
Last week, Chancellor Guskiewicz and Provost Clemens called on the Carolina community to come together around peaceful dialogues about the violence in Israel and Gaza. While constructive conversation is one of […]
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Thriving Through Community
Where do we start? Navigating mental health as a college student, especially in a high-performing setting like UNC-Chapel Hill, can be difficult. Mental health is highly individualized, and looks different […]
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A Nutrition Philosophy
Originally posted on the Healthy Heels Blog | November 6th, 2023 Food Builds Community, Showcases Culture, and Expresses Love Here at Healthy Heels, we view food as so much more […]
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Navigating Mental Health through Life's Changes - Mental Health Seminar
The third seminar in the Fall 2023 Mental Health Seminar series, "Navigating Mental Health Through Life's Changes." Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, Ph.D., professor in empirical microeconomics at UNC-Chapel Hill, explored the […]
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Meditation and Mindfulness
The benefits of mindfulness and meditation seem to be all over the news, on television, in movies, and on social media. While it sounds intriguing, for many people the terms […]
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Little Glimmers of Joy
Finding Delight In the whirlwind of our busy lives, we're often caught up seeking the big wins, what society deems as "success." We aim high and work tirelessly, striving for […]
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LSN peer chat
Peer Chat