Media Assets
We encourage the Carolina Community to share information about the Heels Care Network with your audiences. Please use the below resources to help in those efforts, or send feedback if you need something else.
Logo Guidelines
Use only approved versions and colors. Do not alter, rotate, or modify the logo. When the logo is printed, it should be no less than .25 inches tall. The primary and secondary logos can be used interchangably, however the primary logo is the preferred version. If the UNC Chapel Hill logo is not used in conjunction with the Heels Care logo, "The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill" must be typeset somewhere on the design.

When using the brandmark on its own, be sure to include the full logo or full name of the Heels Care Network somewhere on the design. The brandmark should never be a substitute for the full logo. When the brandmark is printed, it should be no smaller than .25" tall.

We welcome websites to add the images below and link the image to connect users to
You can resize the badge to fit on your marketing materials as long as you maintain the aspect ratio and colors of the badge.

UNC campus members can also download these resources using the Heels Care Network Assets folder on OneDrive.