September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and we take that very seriously here. It is a part of our mission as a mental health and well-being program to provide individuals with the resources they need to maintain happy and healthy lives and improve mental health in the community. Suicide is never the answer, and suicidal thoughts should not be considered normal but should be taken very seriously. As a community, it is our responsibility to be well informed of resources and to be there for each other as we navigate our lives.
The Heels Care Network provides a number of suicide prevention resources on our site, and it is an important part of who we are. Resources for suicide prevention posted on our resource hub include 911, 988 Lifeline, CAPS, Veteran crisis line, and la Red Nacional Prevención del suicidio. You can filter these by using the "suicide prevention" filter under "mental health needs" on the filter bar to the left-hand side of the resource hub page. You can also access these here.
You can find Suicide Prevention Strategies here.
For employees, you can access suicide prevention resources on the HR website by clicking here.
Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash