Resources for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Create a Safer Campus
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a national observance that aims to raise awareness and coordinate efforts to fight sexual assault, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence.
We all deserve to feel safe, included, and supported.
How can you help create a safer Carolina?
Everyone at Carolina has a part to play in making our campus a safer and more respectful place. You can help change our campus culture by…
- Speaking out against violent behavior
- Starting conversations about consent and healthy relationships
- Learn about resources available and how to support victims/survivors.
- Get trained! Be That Friend, One ACT, and Haven trainings all offer information and practical guidance to help support your friends and campus community.
If you witness a violent incident or something that could lead to violence, one ACT can help:
- A - Ask for help from someone you trust.
- C - Create a distraction to disrupt the incident
- T - Talk directly to the person causing harm
- Safe at UNC is Carolina’s main portal at UNC-Chapel Hill for resources and information about discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence and stalking.
- Violence Prevention and Advocacy Services (VPAS) oversees violence prevention efforts on campus and offers free, confidential advocacy for students and employees impacted by gender-based violence and harassment through the Gender Violence Services Coordinators (GVSCs). Learn more about GVSC support and services available and how to schedule a time to meet with a GVSC.
- Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) Office: The EOC oversees campus policies related to gender-based violence and harassment, including sexual violence and sexual harassment. Contact the EOC office to explore options for support and/or report an incident.
- UNC LGBTQ Center: Learning more about training opportunities, ways to build community, and how to connect with Center staff.
- Counseling and Psychological Services: CAPS offers both individual mental health support and a wide variety of therapeutic support groups.
- Orange County Rape Crisis Center: OCRCC offers free, confidential support services for survivors of sexual violence in the Chapel Hill community. Learn more at or call/text their 24/7 hotline at 919-967-7273
- Compass Center: The Compass Center offers free, confidential support services for survivors of domestic or relationship violence. Learn more at or call their 24/7 hotline at 919-929-7122