Students: Get Connected at Carolina
Most students will move into a space on or near campus sometime this week. Whenever you arrive to campus, welcome! We are so glad that you're a part of the Carolina family!
As social creatures, it's no surprise that building relationships and community is critical to making the most of your college experience. Friends bring joy to college, help you do better in classes, connect you with opportunities, and leave you with lifelong connections. Ideas to help you get connected on campus:
1. Find and attend events
Carolina offers loads of opportunities to explore and learn more about yourself. Step outside your comfort zone and try something new! Attend a student organization event, visit the Morrison Art Studio, try out for a sports club, or watch a film screening. Do what sounds interesting and feels meaningful. Bonus: many events offer free food (nom, nom).
Ideas to find events and activities:
- Attend FallFest.
- Engage in Weeks of Welcome events.
- Explore Heel Life.
- Say "yes" to invitations whenever you can.
- Ask students and advisors about activities they recommend.
- Continue reading this email for weekly health-related happenings.
2. Reflect on your experiences
After trying out some activities, take a moment to consider what you liked and what could have better met your needs. Did you enjoy it? Would you go to something similar again? This reflection helps you make choices that work best for you.
3. Get involved and keep going
Once you find something that fits, dive in! Reach out and introduce yourself to people who also enjoy that activity. Engage with leaders and organizers of the event or group. Seek out ways to get more involved.
Connections matter, y'all. Find your niche at UNC-Chapel Hill.