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Expecting the Unexpected: How to Think about Potential Crises


A crisis or traumatic event can be both environmental and personal and are events which can cause physical, emotional, psychological distress or harm. These events are often perceived and experienced as a threat to one’s safety or to the stability of one’s world and the impact can be either on those who have experienced the […]

HAVEN Training - Faculty and Staff

Frank Porter Graham Student Union 209 South Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

HAVEN (Helping Advocates for Ending Violence Now) is a collaboration between VPAS and the Equal Opportunity and Compliance office. It provides participants with tools to be an ally to someone who has experienced sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and/or stalking. The three-hour training emphasizes the importance of listening, responding compassionately, and connecting survivors to resources on […]

Overcoming Perfectionism

Dey Hall 200 South Rd, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

Join the Carolina Women's Center for a discussion on gender and perfectionism. We will be chatting about the episode "Overcoming Perfectionism" from The Women's Podcast - listen before we meet and come with your thoughts! Please note that the podcast episode has a brief reference to a fictional account of infant loss around the 46-minute mark. […]

Gentle Yoga with Gillings Culture of Health


Take time to relax and rejuvenate with gentle yoga. Find strength, balance, flexibility, and an overall feeling of energetic renewal. A mindful yoga practice can enhance self-compassion, lighten a heavy heart, and relieve the tensions of stress and anxiety. Employees can enjoy a free virtual gentle yoga session. Equipment Needed: yoga mat and comfortable clothing The […]

Creating Consent Culture

Frank Porter Graham Student Union 209 South Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

Creating Consent Culture educates participants about the importance of consent in our daily lives and engages participants to identify and practice giving and receiving consent. The concept of consent is nuanced and expanded to apply to more than just sexual activity and applies the components of consent to everyday interactions between people. Finally, the workshop […]

A Community of Care: The Role of Social Support in Mental Health


Join Dr. Desiree Griffin as she leads us in an exploration of the intersections between social connections and mental health. In this session, you will reflect on how a sense of belonging relates to resilience and mental health. We will consider how to build a community of care by reviewing practical approaches to cultivate meaningful […]

Staying Motivated

Wilson Hall 110 South Rd, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

Struggling to keep motivated at this point in the semester? This workshop will help you find ways to get and stay motivated. Held in Wilson Hall, room 107

Mental Health and Sports: Documentary and Discussion

Campus Health 320 Emergency Room Dr, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Carolina’s male-identified student athletes (varsity and club) are invited to view NBC Sports Documentary Headstrong: Men’s Mental Health & Sports, and to engage in collaborative discussion related to the unique challenges male athletes experience with maintaining their mental health! Held in Campus Health room #233 QUESTIONS?Contact Benjamin Joly, CAPS

Gentle Yoga with Gillings Culture of Health


Take time to relax and rejuvenate with gentle yoga. Find strength, balance, flexibility, and an overall feeling of energetic renewal. A mindful yoga practice can enhance self-compassion, lighten a heavy heart, and relieve the tensions of stress and anxiety. Employees can enjoy a free virtual gentle yoga session. Equipment Needed: yoga mat and comfortable clothing The […]

Event Series Mindful Monday Meditation

Mindful Monday Meditation


Free 30-minute mid-day meditation Mondays, 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Take advantage of self-compassion meditation sessions provided by School of Medicine and dedicate time to self-nurture. Mindfulness and self-compassion meditations assist with stress reduction, mental flexibility and even resilience. Sessions are 30-minutes every Monday led by Jonny Gerkin. About Jonny and Mindful Monday: Jonny Gerkin is board […]

Gentle Yoga with Gillings Culture of Health


Take time to relax and rejuvenate with gentle yoga. Find strength, balance, flexibility, and an overall feeling of energetic renewal. A mindful yoga practice can enhance self-compassion, lighten a heavy heart, and relieve the tensions of stress and anxiety. Employees can enjoy a free virtual gentle yoga session. Equipment Needed: yoga mat and comfortable clothing The […]

LSN Peer Chat