Dimensions of Wellness Webinars

These webinars were created to introduce resources, information, and exercises for each of the following Dimensions of Wellness. They are available online 24/7, only asking for your name and email address to engage with them.

Emotional Wellness Webinars

Emotional Wellness involves understanding one's self and adequately facing the challenges life brings.

Career Wellness Webinars

Career Wellness is defined as a person practicing career wellness who engages in work to gain personal satisfaction and enrichment, consistent with values, goals, and lifestyle. 

Financial Wellness Webinars

Financial Wellness acknowledges that everyone's financial circumstances are different and depend on a broad array of variables that include the level of personal or family wealth, ability to earn additional income or not, differing personal needs, spending habits, debt levels, lifestyle preferences, personal initiative and more.  However, in any circumstances, financial wellness involves setting and achieving short and long-term personal financial goals within the context of resources available to us.  

Social Wellness Webinars

Social Wellness is the ability to successfully interact with people in our world, participating in and feeling connected to your community.

Spiritual Wellness Webinars

Spiritual Wellness recognizes our search for purpose in human existence. It involves cultivating meaning in life and finding connections to the world outside yourself. 

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