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Event Series Caregiver's Support Group

Caregiver's Support Group

The UNC Caregiver’s Support Group’s mission is to provide support, education, and advocacy for caregivers. All caregivers are welcome, but we do focus on those caring for individuals with memory disorders. Participation is free for members and non-members. Email to register. Date: 3rd Wednesday of every month Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Location: Online via Zoom

Forgiving Yourself and Others

Become a happier, healthier person with better relationships by practicing forgiveness. We can forgive ourselves, just as we can forgive others, without having to become victims. Using reflection, compassion and […]

Managing Personal Finances

Are money issues causing you to worry and stress? Do you buy items, even if you don’t need them, just because they are on sale and you know you are “saving money?” Do you pay only the minimum balance on your credit cards? Is debt mounting in your life to the point where you don’t […]

LSN peer chat
Peer Chat