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Acting Workshop

Come work on your acting skills with us! 

Bedtime Routines for Adults

Adults worldwide are sleep deprived. One way to get better sleep is to improve the process of getting to sleep, by using a pleasant and effective bedtime routine. This workshop […]

Crafting Your Graduate School Statement of Purpose

Thinking about applying to grad school? Join us for a targeted presentation that will break down how to effectively write your Statement of Purpose (SOP). This session will explain the […]

Pumpkin Carving!

Join the International Student Organization for a fun and festive Pumpkin Carving Event! 🎃 Whether you're a carving pro or a first-timer, this is the perfect opportunity to embrace the spirit […]

Chinese Tea Culture Fest

Join us for an immersive evening in Chinese tea culture, hosted by the World Tea Association and UNC's Chinese Program. Explore the history and types of tea through an engaging […]

National First-Gen Week: Networking Night

First-Gen Networking EventJoin us for an exclusive opportunity to connect with first-generation professionals from across campus! This networking event is designed specifically for first-gen students, providing a welcoming space to […]

NC Master's and Doctoral Fair

Join us for the 24th Annual NC Master's and Doctoral Career Fair, hosted by Duke University, NC State University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Greensboro, and Wake Forest University! This event is […]

HEARTSafe Free CPR Class

HeartSafe is an organization of EMTs who teach free bystander CPR and first-aid training classes to the UNC campus and community! Classes are roughly one hour long and provide hands-on […]

Mahjong Club Tournament (Fall 2024)

Join us at our second-ever club tournament! No prior experience is required and you can sign up using this link: tournament sign up link. Round 1 and round 2 will be […]

Carolina Recovery Community: Weekly Social

Food and fellowship for people in or seeking recovery from substance use. All pathways of recovery are welcome and supported. Please note that this space is exclusively for people in […]

Rock the Belt: Rock Painting and Pizza

Stop by and grab some pizza and paint rocks to relax and reflect on the importance of wearing a seatbelt and engaging in mobility safety! Floating event!

LSN peer chat
Peer Chat