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Personalized fitness support based on the concept of exercise as a vital sign for health and well-being.

Two Black staff psychologists at CAPS come together on this podcast to discuss and demystify mental health, therapy, and help-seeking, giving listeners a more personal side of CAPS and its staff.

The Office of the Dean of Students provides support to all students including financial literacy workshops on Heel Life

Find Treatment is a government resource to find help for substance use

The GVSCs support UNC students, post-docs, and employees impacted by sexual violence, interpersonal violence, stalking, and sexual and gender-based harassment.

Connect with other students experiencing a loss.

Typically, this group recruits new members at the beginning of the semester. If that time has passed, you can still ask and express interest.

The three-hour training provides participants with tools to be an ally to someone who has experienced sexual assault, interpersonal violence, or stalking

Small groups work to improve the open science of psychology on Wiki platforms, Open Science Framework, social media, other online sites, and the community.

An advocacy group that uses public health principles and health promotion/prevention strategies to educate students about wellness.

A 24/7 free and confidential emotional support phone line offering counseling referrals and community resources to people living in North Carolina. 1-855-587-3463

Wellness events, programs, and interventions to support all populations within the business school at UNC.

Contact the wellness specialist here.

A quick and easy way to connect with student peers on our campus! LSNers are students who provide peer support by listening to you, supporting you, and navigating you to the appropriate resources. Connect with a LSNer by clicking the chat bubble in the lower right-hand corner of this website.

LSN peer chat
Peer Chat