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Awakening the Passion in Your Work and Life

Do you admire people who always seem excited and passionate about what they do? Whether it’s in their personal life, professional life, or both, some people are able to bring […]

Disability Advocates Committee Interest Meeting

Anne Queen Lounge - Campus Y

The Disability Advocates Committee will be hosting an interest meeting to talk about our goals and advocacy plan for the year! We will be answering any questions and meeting new […]

Student-Athlete Career Fair

Loudermilk Center 3rd Floor

Annual Student-Athlete Career Fair Wednesday, September 11, 6pm-8pm Open to All student-athletes, MANDATORY for Juniors and Seniors

QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Gatekeeper Training

Carolina Union Room 2423

Just like CPR is for physical emergencies, QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is an emergency response that can save lives during a mental health crisis. In just 90 minutes, you'll gain […]

Twilight Thursdays at North Carolina Botanical Garden

North Carolina Botanical Garden 100 Old Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

Every Thursday evening from August 15 to September 19, we’re staying open until 7 p.m. so you can enjoy and explore our display gardens after work or class. Our exhibit […]

Transfer Students Kick Off Meeting

Join us for our first event of the semester as we introduce our leadership team, share our plans for the club, and explore how you can get involved. This is […]

Carolina Recovery Community: Weekly Social

Frank Porter Graham Student Union 209 South Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

Food and fellowship for people in or seeking recovery from substance use. All pathways of recovery are welcome and supported. Please note that this space is exclusively for people in […]

First-Gen Friday

Student Union 2423

First-Gen Fridays are held each month! Stop by for a donut and to meet the Carolina Firsts program coordinator and learn about support and resources for first-gen college students! Carolina […]

Getting Started with Mindfulness and Meditation


If you have ever been curious about Mindfulness and Meditation but haven’t known where to start, this event is for you!! Join us for this online introductory session while we […]

LSN peer chat
Peer Chat