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HallowBeAM: Trick or Treat Tote Bags (Sewing Machines)

It’s spooky season in the BeAM makerspaces! In this workshop, use the sewing machines to make a scarily simple tote bag to carry all your tricks n’ treats this Halloween. This is […]

Intercultural Speaking Group

Speaking Group welcomes American and international participants from the UNC campus and the local community. The group meets weekly when classes are in session to discuss topics of culture, university […]

Carolina Recovery: Weekly Process Group

Student Wellness 385 Manning Dr SASB S, 1310, Chapel Hill

This is a mutual-support group facilitated by Student Wellness staff for students in, seeking, or curious about recovery. Please reach out here or email if you're interested in joining or […]

Mindful Meditation by Bhakti Yoga Club

Mindful meditation is a key practice of Bhakti Yoga. Original Yoga practices were made to help one control their thoughts and actions through raising awareness and self-regulation. Yoga from ancient […]

ADHD/LD Peer Connect Group

SASB North 2115

Weekly group to join other peers with ADHD/LD where you can exchange ideas, support each other, and learn strategies that support academic success.

Overcoming Distorted Negative Thinking

Have you had an argument with your spouse or significant other that impacted your whole day? Maybe you had thoughts like, “I’m such a jerk,” or, “All we do is fight.” Have you ever been stuck in traffic thanks to an accident? Maybe you said to yourself, “I knew I shouldn’t have gone this way,” […]

ADHD, Me and UNC

The Writing Center SASB North 0127, 450 Ridge Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Monthly social where students with ADHD can chat with ADHD Specialists and peers for ongoing support, connections, and education about ADHD. This event offers free food and CLE credit.

LSN peer chat
Peer Chat