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Tricks and Treats: Financial Well-Being in Healthy Relationships

Navigating finances in a relationship can be challenging. Join VPAS and the Financial Well-Being Center for Relationship Violence Awareness Month as we explore financial well-being in healthy relationships! Registration required.  In-person attendance is […]

Graduate Academic Coaching Group

SASB 2115

A weekly coaching group for graduate students seeking support in any aspect of their graduate school experience.

Carolina Dining Services Farm Stand

Support the cupboard and receive local fresh produce by visiting our farm stand outside of Chase Dining Hall! We will be selling a variety of items at lower prices and […]

Carolina Recovery: Weekly Process Group

Student Wellness 385 Manning Dr SASB S, 1310, Chapel Hill

This is a mutual-support group facilitated by Student Wellness staff for students in, seeking, or curious about recovery. Please reach out here or email if you're interested in joining or […]

GAEA: Pumpkin Painting

GAEA: Pumpkin Painting | Beard Hall 200 GAEA will be hosting a pumpkin painting/halloween movie viewing/club social event to kick off the fall semester! Please RSVP if you plan on […]

Mindful Meditation by Bhakti Yoga Club

Mindful meditation is a key practice of Bhakti Yoga. Original Yoga practices were made to help one control their thoughts and actions through raising awareness and self-regulation. Yoga from ancient […]

ADHD/LD Peer Connect Group

SASB North 2115

Weekly group to join other peers with ADHD/LD where you can exchange ideas, support each other, and learn strategies that support academic success.

Healthy Food Choices on the Go

Don’t allow changes in your normal routine to cause you to fall off track with good nutrition. Whether you are a frequent traveler, packing meals to bring to work or […]

Carolina Recovery Community: Weekly Social

Frank Porter Graham Student Union 209 South Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

Food and fellowship for people in or seeking recovery from substance use. All pathways of recovery are welcome and supported. Please note that this space is exclusively for people in […]

National First-Gen Week: Make A First-Gen Button

Gift Plaza - Union

To kick off National First-Gen Week, the Center for Student Success is holding a button-making event. Customize your own first-gen button or choose from our various templates! Show off your pride in your first-gen identity by wearing your button all throughout National First-Gen Week! All supplies provided

Write Letters and Eat Cookies for Our Nation's Best this Veteran's Day!

Join TAPS at Carolina and Letters of Love in the Pit on Monday, November 4th from 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM to show your support for our nation's heroes! Help us honor veterans and active-duty soldiers by writing heartfelt letters of appreciation. We will use this opportunity to inform the student population and broader community about the critical issues facing veterans today. Currently, […]

Graduate Academic Coaching Group

A weekly coaching group for graduate students seeking support in any aspect of their graduate school experience.

Carolina Recovery: Weekly Process Group

This is a mutual-support group facilitated by Student Wellness staff for students in, seeking, or curious about recovery. Please reach out here or email if you're interested in joining or […]

Applying to Graduate School

Are you planning to apply to graduate school? Great, you’ll love this workshop! This workshop will discuss best practices and insider tips for applying to graduate programs in various disciplines, […]

Mindful Meditation by Bhakti Yoga Club of UNC-CH

Mindful meditation is a key practice of Bhakti Yoga. Original Yoga practices were made to help one control their thoughts and actions through raising awareness and self-regulation. Yoga from ancient […]

Resume 101

Ready to make your resume shine and stand out in a competitive job market? Join us for this comprehensive workshop designed to help you create a polished, professional resume that effectively highlights your skills and accomplishments.

November 5th Red Cross Club Blood Drive

Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Whether a patient receives whole blood, red cells, platelets or plasma, this lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. The UNC Red Cross Club's blood drive will be on Tuesday, November 5th […]

ADHD/LD Peer Connect Group

Weekly group to join other peers with ADHD/LD where you can exchange ideas, support each other, and learn strategies that support academic success.

Acting Workshop

Come work on your acting skills with us! 

Bedtime Routines for Adults

Adults worldwide are sleep deprived. One way to get better sleep is to improve the process of getting to sleep, by using a pleasant and effective bedtime routine. This workshop provides a closer look at simple routines that can end the day in a calming, mindful way; going-to-bed techniques that promote quality sleep, including opportunities […]

Crafting Your Graduate School Statement of Purpose

Thinking about applying to grad school? Join us for a targeted presentation that will break down how to effectively write your Statement of Purpose (SOP). This session will explain the key differences between SOPs for Master’s programs, PhD Personal Statements, and PhD Research Statements, and provide actionable tips for each.  Whether you're pursuing academic or […]

Pumpkin Carving!

Join the International Student Organization for a fun and festive Pumpkin Carving Event! 🎃 Whether you're a carving pro or a first-timer, this is the perfect opportunity to embrace the spirit […]

Chinese Tea Culture Fest

Join us for an immersive evening in Chinese tea culture, hosted by the World Tea Association and UNC's Chinese Program. Explore the history and types of tea through an engaging […]

National First-Gen Week: Networking Night

First-Gen Networking EventJoin us for an exclusive opportunity to connect with first-generation professionals from across campus! This networking event is designed specifically for first-gen students, providing a welcoming space to […]

NC Master's and Doctoral Fair

Join us for the 24th Annual NC Master's and Doctoral Career Fair, hosted by Duke University, NC State University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Greensboro, and Wake Forest University! This event is a fantastic opportunity for advanced degree candidates to connect with a wide range of employers and organizations. With over 500 Master's, PhD candidates, and postdocs […]

HEARTSafe Free CPR Class

HeartSafe is an organization of EMTs who teach free bystander CPR and first-aid training classes to the UNC campus and community! Classes are roughly one hour long and provide hands-on CPR practice. By taking our classes, you help UNC maintain our national campus recognition as a "HeartSafe Campus", indicating that at least 5% of our […]

Mahjong Club Tournament (Fall 2024)

Join us at our second-ever club tournament! No prior experience is required and you can sign up using this link: tournament sign up link. Round 1 and round 2 will be held over two days and the final round will be scheduled once we know who the top 4 players are. All participants will receive free […]

Carolina Recovery Community: Weekly Social

Food and fellowship for people in or seeking recovery from substance use. All pathways of recovery are welcome and supported. Please note that this space is exclusively for people in […]

Rock the Belt: Rock Painting and Pizza

Stop by and grab some pizza and paint rocks to relax and reflect on the importance of wearing a seatbelt and engaging in mobility safety! Floating event!

Crochet Project Day (Intermediate)

We will be making an intermediate project from start to finish! Previous experience crocheting recommended but not required. Yarn, hooks, and materials will be provided!

Long Night Against Procrastination

Need some academic motivation? Hitting a post-Fall Break slump? Jump start your papers and projects with Long Night Against Procrastination (LNAP), a motivational co-working event to help you power through your […]

National First-Gen Week: Celebration

National First-Gen Day is a nationally recognized day for universities across the country to celebrate first-generation college students! The Center for Student Success alongside several other UNC departments are hosting a first-gen celebration with food, popcorn, swag, and lots of other activities! 

Intercultural Speaking Group

Speaking Group welcomes American and international participants from the UNC campus and the local community. The group meets weekly when classes are in session to discuss topics of culture, university life, or language learning strategies and resources. Our goal is to create a comfortable space to converse in English, to share cultural perspectives, and to […]

Weekly Board Game Night

Come join us for some board games!  Bring your favorite board/card game and a friend and come have some fun after the long week of classes. No registration or membership required. 

Graduate Academic Coaching Group

A weekly coaching group for graduate students seeking support in any aspect of their graduate school experience.

LSN peer chat
Peer Chat