Stomp the Stigma

April 5, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
April 5, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
WSG will be holding our BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR on April 5th, 2024 from 5-8pm in the Quad!
We want to have as many UNC students/local community members as possible in order to bring the Carolina community together to STOMP THE STIGMA surrounding mental health and suicide.
There will be TONS of free stuff, games, a bounce house, food truck, Shrunken Head Pop-up Shop, giveaways, and MORE! We will also have puppies in attendance to help bring participants joy!! In addition to this, we will be hosting a keynote speaker, tables with other mental health organizations and tons of resources.
We have a LOT of fun things planned for this event so it is definitely worthwhile to come out and support WSG and your community! Oh, and did I mention it is completely FREE?
We are hoping for a large turnout for this event, so please spread the word to friends, family, other organizations, etc. This is a community-wide event, so absolutely everyone is welcome!
What: Stomp the Stigma
When: April 5th, 2024 from 5-8pm
Where: The Quad!
Who: Hosted by WSG
Cost: FREE
Please consider joining us to "Stomp the Stigma" surrounding mental illness and suicide. Our guest speaker, a graduate of the UNC School of Nursing having received her MPH from UNC as well. She has written books about assisting families navigating the mental health care system in North Caroline and worked as the Health Coordinator for Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools for 30 years. Her speech will offer students the opportunity to dive deeper into the world of mental health care, specifically in North Carolina, and how we as students can work towards a future of better, more accessible, mental health care. Additionally, this event will offer a variety of resources that will engage students in thinking about mental health beyond just an emotional sense, but rather how things like mental health impact individuals daily lives as well as the difference in mental health across various communities and cultures. By addressing these differences in mental health and the accessibility of mental health care in various communities and cultures, it allows us to better support those around us and focus on person-centered care as not everyone will benefit from the same thing. Let's work together to end this stigma surrounding mental illness and suicide and work towards a future where no one lives without mental health care!