Finals Bootcamp
Come study with us during finals! Join us at any or all of the sessions in this shared study space to set study goals, work among other students, and end the semester strong! Come and leave when you like. Snacks and raffle prizes available!
Finals Bootcamp
Come study with us during finals! Join us at any or all of the sessions in this shared study space to set study goals, work among other students, and end the semester strong! Come and leave when you like. Snacks and raffle prizes available!
Inhaling Positivity Meditation
Join 15 minutes of guided sessions on emotional detox, breathing, and meditation every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:30 p.m.; See the flyer here. No registration required.
Finals Bootcamp
Come study with us during finals! Join us at any or all of the sessions in this shared study space to set study goals, work among other students, and end the semester strong! Come and leave when you like. Snacks and raffle prizes available!
Inhaling Positivity Meditation
Join 15 minutes of guided sessions on emotional detox, breathing, and meditation every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:30 p.m.; See the flyer here. No registration required.
Inhaling Positivity Meditation
Join 15 minutes of guided sessions on emotional detox, breathing, and meditation every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:30 p.m.; See the flyer here. No registration required.
Caregiver's Support Group
The UNC Caregiver’s Support Group’s mission is to provide support, education, and advocacy for caregivers. All caregivers are welcome, but we do focus on those caring for individuals with memory disorders. Participation is free for members and non-members. Email to register. Date: 3rd Wednesday of every month Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Location: Online via Zoom
Inhaling Positivity Meditation
Join 15 minutes of guided sessions on emotional detox, breathing, and meditation every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:30 p.m.; See the flyer here. No registration required.
Inhaling Positivity Meditation
Join 15 minutes of guided sessions on emotional detox, breathing, and meditation every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:30 p.m.; See the flyer here. No registration required.