Mental Health Resource Hub

Free, confidential, and bilingual services for survivors and their loved ones such as a 24-hour helpline, therapy, advocacy and accompaniment, support groups, workshops, therapy, and case management.

Orange County Rape Crisis Center

Serving all UNC-CH students, faculty, and staff, the Core provides consultation and education on peer support principles and evidence, training and implementation assistance, and leadership for the Carolina Peer Support Collaborative and LSN peer support program.

UNC-CH Peer Support Core

Helping survivors of sexual violence find help, advice, and the resources you need.

RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline

Student org in the Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling graduate program that uses volunteer opportunities, fundraising, and a variety of social events to create a healthier campus.

Rehabilitation Counseling Association

Promotes mental health and wellness at the School of Medicine through individual counseling, events, and change advocacy. Offers a student task force for those med students wanting to be advocates for change within the school.

School of Medicine Wellness Program

Promotes the recovery of individuals with mental illness through prevention, treatment, training, research, and community education.

UNC CFE - Community Mental Health

24/7 confidential support network for veterans and other military community members. They provide immediate, free, and long-term peer support through phone, chat, and/or email.


Working to increase access to mental health resources for the South Asian Community through education, activism, and storytelling.


Works to end the stigma of mental illness in minority communities and create safe spaces catering to the African-American population.

We Wear The Mask
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