Mental Health Resource Hub

An identity center at UNC-Chapel Hill supporting gender equity through programs and support.

Carolina Women's Center

Emotional and practical support to help survivors of interpersonal violence and abuse find safety and self-sufficiency. Free, confidential, and offered in English and Spanish.

Compass Center

Free confidential counselling and valuable resources for all permanent UNC employees and their families to help with life’s challenges. Phone and web support available 24/7.

Employee Assistance Program

Empower UNC: Responding to Disclosures of GBV (gender-based violence) is a training collaboration between Violence Prevention and Advocacy Services (VPAS) and Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC). Empower UNC equips students and employees with information, resources, and strategies to respond to disclosures of sexual violence, interpersonal violence, stalking, and sexual and gender-based harassment in an informed and compassionate way.  

Empower UNC: Responding to Disclosures of GBV

Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) assists the University community with disability, pregnancy and religious accommodation requests, including auxiliary aids and services. EOC also serves as a resource for those impacted by discrimination and harassment, including sexual and gender-based violence.

Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office

Two Black staff psychologists at CAPS come together on this podcast to discuss and demystify mental health, therapy, and help-seeking, giving listeners a more personal side of CAPS and its staff.

Feeling Seen Podcast

The Gender Violence Services Coordinators (GVSC) provide free, confidential support and services for students, employees, and post-doctoral scholars impacted by sexual violence, interpersonal violence, stalking, and sexual and gender-based harassment.

Gender Violence Services Coordinators

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) is the central office and sole authority for processing university-sponsored benefits and immigration advising. ISSS also offers programming to assist international students and scholars in navigating immigration processes and adjusting to life in the U.S. ISSS serves over 4,100 international students and scholars from over 100 countries.

International Student & Scholar Services

Identity center at UNC Chapel Hill offering programs and resources to build a campus environment that is welcoming and inclusive of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.

LGBTQ Center

An eight-hour training program designed to help you develop basic skills to help someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis and identify resources for additional care. The MHFA workshops are available as a single full-day session or as two half-day sessions. 

Mental Health First Aid

Serving all UNC-CH students, faculty, and staff, the Core provides consultation and education on peer support principles and evidence, training and implementation assistance, and leadership for the Carolina Peer Support Collaborative and LSN peer support program.

UNC-CH Peer Support Core

Develop individual movement plans with certified personal trainers with Campus Rec to help you reach your fitness goals.

Personal Fitness Training
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